Participation in Incendiary, a group show in three locations around Stroud, organised by Patricia Brien, in protest of the new rubbish incinerator in Gloucester. My contribution consisted of a range of drawing and burning activities that I documented through text, photographs, video and the remains of the burning process. In the studio, I made drawings of rubbish. Then, I propped up these drawings outside, and set fire to them. Photographs and the remains of the drawing’s frames got exhibited in the gallery. I had also written a text which was an invented ‘interview with the pyro-practitiner’: A question-and-answer text revealed the haunting qualities of the burning process. The text was framed and accompanied by a close up photograph of a flame, also framed.
Artist talk between me and visual artist Simon Ross on the last day of Incendiary. ( I am the person with the shiny black boots…. Simon Ross sits next to me. The curator Patricia Brien on the left)
Paper presentation of How does the relationship between the motility of vision and the motility of the body impact on the way we draw?, at School of Arts and Media Postgraduate Research Symposium,, 13th Feb, , Kingsway Campus, The University of Chester.,
Participation on walk with Kel Portman and Dr. Richard Keating around Stroud in connection to Incendiary exhibition. I took scrolls of drawings (showing birds, drawn with pencil on paper treated with wax and oil) along the walk, and added further line whilst we walked along. I also took many meters of elastic line and participants on the walk tried out connecting themselves and space through the flying of the lines in the wind.
(image by Kel Portman)