I wonder how I could explain to myself and others what it is that I am doing here.
I go for runs, to feel the environment, myself and the movement, and I claim to thus produce an experience that is relevant. Relevant not only to myself but also to others?
Running is a physically engaged way of moving over land, over surface, inside the environment. This creates a multi-facetted experience as it generates feelings, sensations, thoughts, brings up old and creates new memories, is breathing, being blank in the mind,...
I can try to record some aspects of these many facettes.
Using stretchy lines to install a response into the environment where the running takes me is just one more, very deliberate response to engaging with the environment and with my mode of moving through it.
I like the idea of the following metaphor to explain this: The Earth or, in a smaller context, 'the environment' is an organism. It undergoes constant change and it emits sounds, scents, has atmosphere. By running over it, it is like the runner touches the surface of this big organism, creating friction and, as a result, resonance, like the sound created by a thumb that touches and strokes over a string instrument. What is created is an interplay between runner and environment. The resonances of this interactions can be seen like voicings of the momentary. Aili Bresnahan's article 'Improvisational Artistry in Live Dance Performance as Embodied and Extended Agency' seems to relate to this.